napkins and pjs

I've been in a sewing frenzy for the last few days. I don't know what it is, but I keep coming up with new projects I simply HAVE TO make right away or the world as we know it will end :). I haven't felt that way for quite some time, so I'm just going with the flow and enjoying the manic sewing for now.

I made some Christmas cloth napkins. Aren't they wonderfully bright and happy looking? I think they will make our Christmas table extra cheery this year.

 They were super simple, but slightly tedious to make, as there was a lot of cutting, pinning, and pressing involved. Totally worth is, though.

Here's how I made my napkins: I just cut two 18" squares for each napkin, placed them right sides together and pinned around the perimeter. I then used 1/2" seam allowance to stitch all the way around the edges leaving a 4" opening in one side for turning. I pressed the seams open, turned the napkin right side out through the opening, pushed the corners out to make them nicely pointy and pinned the opening closed. I then used 1/8" seam allowance to stitch all the way around the edges of napkin stitching the opening in the side closed at the same time. I gave it one last good press and that was it. Super easy, right? I told you.

I also made these wonderfully soft flannel pajama pants for my son. He's the only one in the family who appreciates (and even asks for) PJs made by me, and I was more than happy to oblige.

I used my go to pattern to make his PJs. It's funny how every time I make these I get surprised at how quickly they come together. 

Now, if only I could stop sewing and start cooking. Wish me luck.



simple stars


new jenna