simple stars

Hello friends, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I quite enjoyed these few days of no work, very little cooking and cleaning, and just general relaxing with family and friends. I even caught up on some much needed sleep, so no complaints here :).

And, I got to read through the newest issue of Love Patchwork and Quilting magazine. It's full of beautiful quilting projects, and I'm excited to have my Simple Star quilt included, yay!!!

It's a super simple, pretty quick to make quilt. It's made of large equilateral triangles, no hexagons or y-seams involved, which makes it a good introduction to piecing triangles.

I used bright solid backing, which I think is a lovely contrast to sparse quilt top, and quilted it using vertical straight lines. Easy peasy.

This newest edition of LPQ magazine (issue 29) should be hitting our US stores in about a week or two (already available in the UK). Hope you'll get one for yourself, you won't be disappointed.

Thanks for stopping by. Svetlana


star baby quilt


napkins and pjs